Saturday, 11 June 2011

Along time ago, I went to Borough Market;

Here are the photographs that I took...(not that it is good for now!)

Heres a quick photograph of some of the mugs I have painted.
They are all dishwasher safe, but if people ask if we sell any, it might be best to say hand wash only so they last longer.

I have 5 to sell. But might just sell 4, as the handles are not that greatly painted and went a bit bobbled.

They all are of peas in a pod. 

Monday, 6 June 2011

plant pots

I just did these this afternoon! Thought we can sell them with the chilli plants in for like £8 or just the plant pot or the plant alone for £4.50 each!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Found this in the poundshop- not sure if its too crafted already or may be good for us to use?

Some pictures from screenprinting the grocery bags

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Hey guys, I have done a website for the shop to use it for PR!
I know its not amazing but we can use it to approach some newspaper or blog whatever..

this is the link!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Building work!

Hard Work

Hard wrok?

More Hard work

We built a stall table together!!

some sort of posing photo

Me going crazy with the making..

Made some sort of wooden boxes

Thought It can might display like this?

The facebook page!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

More products!!!

Me and Katie started making the chicken with felt.

This is the pinned up version, but the tail and the eye are still missing ..

Found some Cherry crates at Dalston Market today,
it was very difficult to carry but they finally got to Shen's house!!

Me and Katie painted the egg cups red, the bottom bit is going to be green so it looks like strawberry.

Harriette and Miranda painting the espresso cups

Door/drawers knobs
I am going to put white dots on them so they look like mushroom :)